Wednesday, October 5, 2011

(Y) Peace (Y)

Gosh,finally UPSR's over! woots!! but still,imma miss my fwenz so much!!!!

YeePuiMay,CynthiaLeow,NgHuiYing,GohSueFaye,ChinAiWen,ImanSammyIbsa,GermaineLiew,ChiChing!!!(and many more)
and now,i wanna give you this :

ohh...i love you guys sooo much,i really can't imagine how i would cry on the day we graduate!
that day will be listed as the WORST day of my life :'(

 We only have 39 days to hang out with each other!!!
That's the worst thing!
And also, im gonna separate with HIM!...
i really wish there's  pc secondary skul,and then we'll continue our studies there!! :DDDDD
but unfortunately, they don't! :'((

Guys,we're gonna end up like this

well maybe no one's leaving MAL, but still we're gonna separate ,we're not gonna see each other everyday,and we only can chat through FB!


sigh...face facts,that's our opportunity ,destiny
and it's our fate to meet each other and separate ..




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