Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs ,RIP :'(

AHHH!!! waddaheck??!!! STEVE JOBS DIED??!!the amazing,intelligent,awesome MAKER of APPLE DIED O.O

that was my respond to the death of Steve Jobs :(

He brought the awesome-est entertainment to society, iPhone,iPad and iPod and now,he's dead -.-
so sad la,how can god do this to cruel..

Like the Band Perry 'If i die young' lyrics said:
Funny when you're dead ppl starts listening

True, like MJ, he was more famous when he's dead than when he's alive..and also like Amy Winehouse, she also got more famous and tnks to her death :P


my last words to Steve Jobs:

RIP Steve Jobs, you're so great, and hope you can invent something better in your afterlife :')

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