Friday, April 8, 2011

Talkin bout walkin~

Hey hey hey!! sup everybody!! we're talking bout walkin 2day!!!!woots..

Condition : u are late for skul and how would you walk into the hall when the principal is giving a speech...
Choose answer~
A) U walk slowly into the hall with ur hands in the pockets to act cool so nobody you notice you...
B) U run into the hall as fast as u can b'coz ur scared that ur too late and will get scolded by teachers or somethin
C) U walk into the hall , tie ur hair, arranged ur fringe, run a bit, walk ,look at some other places , say hi to ppl and show the 'im gonna die' face to ur fren , reach destination!!
D) U walk 4 a while and run 4 a while then say hi to ur frens ,show them ur tongue to show that ur not afraid

Haha!!! what would u choose? comment below if u wanna..or type it in the cbox..^^
BTW, i choose C!!!...

Chows everybody...(PEACE!!)

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