Thursday, March 17, 2011

A complain to boredness~

Hey everybody...i'm back again...and i have something to say..

Being bored is bad to us..we should team up to be an angry mob and say 'no!!' to bored!!..
well i wanna be the first wan to complain to ME!!

To: bored

I'm really angry at you bored..when i have nothing to always come to just wanna say.."STAY AWAY FROM ME!!"..dun be too hurt bored..i'm just so bored that's why i'm complaining to you bored..Bored, i relly appreciate why ur makin me bored..coz..u are bored..that's why you needa find me..there's alot of nothing-to-do ppl out there in the world!!..go make frens wif them...k?..
that's wat im gonna say 4 today..

From: MsFabulous-if not-bored with all my blessings..

wish bored is seeing this..
Who disagree with bored say..'I'

Me: 'I'..WOOTS~

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